Slow is fast

How many moments have you had sitting down, just hanging out, feeling perfectly happy with just being present during these past months? One of the messages I got from home growing up is: Life is hard work. I thought I had managed to distance myself from that message, but I realize it is hard wired and something is still pushing me from the inside. I want to say: “Thank you thank you” to that voice. “You have done your work, now please take vacation”.

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There is a crack in everything, that is how the light comes in

I have been thinking of starting a blog for a long time. Words of Wisdom that touch my heart. Not necessarily my own words. When I catch a glimpse here and there from people I speak to, from books or podcasts, something happens inside myself and I say, stop, say that again, or if that is not possible I grasp for a piece of paper to write on. I would like to share those pieces of wisdom and other insights that dawns upon me.

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