
Wisdom is the integration of life experiences and knowledge turned into a deeper knowing. Inspirational material will serve us on the path towards wisdom. Harnessing findings from academic research, neuroscience as well as wisdom traditions, we share some of the resources that keep influencing us. 



Organisational development / Leadership

Leadership and Self-deception – Getting out of the box book cover

Arbinger Institute

Leadership and Self-deception – Getting out of the box

“No matter what we are doing on the outside, people respond primarily to how we’re feeling about them on the inside.” A story about how most organisational problems result from self-deception. The Arbinger also have a new book called “The Outward Mindset” but start with this one!

Brene Brown

Dare to lead

Brene Brown is such a source of inspiration. Her book “The gift of imperfection” has been a game changer for me. In this later book she focuses on how to embed the value of courage in your culture. 

There is an also an hour “The call to Courage” on Netflix


Tony Hsieh

Delivering Happiness: A path to Profits, Passion and Purpose

The story of Tony Hsieh and his company Zappos, how thinking long term and following your passions first, can lead to profits and a happy life for you, your employees, and customers.

Tony Hsieh shares his insights about how to take things slow, choose one thing to be best at, making learning a priority, building engagement by trust etc.


Stanley Mc Chrystal

Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World

General McChrystal show how the challenges they faced in Iraq can be rel­evant to countless businesses. The world is changing faster than ever, and the smartest response for those in charge is to give small groups the freedom to experiment while driving every­one to share what they learn across the entire organiza­tion.

Joseph Jaworski

The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation

Jaworski came to realize that traditional analytical leadership approaches are inadequate for dealing creatively with the VUCA complexity. To effectively face these challenges, leaders need to access the Source from which truly profound innovation flow. I can read this book again and again and feel grateful for the insights. 

The Five Dysfunctions of A Team book cover

Patrick Lencioni

The Five Dysfunctions of A Team

Hands on, pragmatic. I always use Lencioni´s team model with teams.  The book is an easy read since it is written as a story about a new CEO and how she successfully handles the dysfunctions of her team. There is also a workbook that can be ordered separately.

Drive - The truth about what motivates us book cover

Daniel H. Pink

Drive - The truth about what motivates us

Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. Drawing on decades of scientific research. The secret to high performance is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to contribute in a meaningful way. This book creates interesting conversations with management teams, especially “What is Autonomy”? 


Agneta Dieden, E. Simon, C.Lindeborg and others.

When decisions in life are shaping Leadership Journeys with PURPOSE

22 authentic stories about how our journeys through life has influenced our unique purposes. Each story is written from a very personal perspective. You find an excerpt under Links & Articles.

Loving what is (Älska livet som det är) book cover

Byron Katie

Loving what is (Älska livet som det är)

The work of Byron Katie is a deeply transformative process of inquiry. It is principally based on four questions:

1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
4. Who would you be without the thought?

Wendy Palmer

The Intuitive Body - Discovering the Wisdom of Conscious Embodiment and Aikido

Wendy is a role model for how to handle challenges in life and in organizations by being balanced and centered, using the techniques of Aikido.

David Rock

Your Brain at Work

Storytelling and science. David Rock describes how two busy people act in different situations. Always with a retake of the situation where they prioritize and organize using the brain´s resources effectively. 

The Artist's Way - A spiritual path to higher creativity book cover

Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way - A spiritual path to higher creativity

I love this book. I love all the quotes and inspirational reflections. An inspiring twelve week program to tap into higher creativity in life and at work.

Edgar H. Shein

A New Earth

Eckhart Tolle embodies wisdom. This book gives the spiritual framework to understand ourselves better. It takes time to read and re read. Profoundly reflective and insightful if you give it time.

Favourite Ted Talks


Excerpt from the book “Purpose- When decisions in life are shaping leadership journeys”